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Ziqiang Xin

Next Pubdate:2022-05-31  Click:

Xin, Ziqiang (辛自强)

PhD., professor


Personal homepage

Correspondence: Xin Ziqiang, Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China, 59 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100872, China.

Educational and professional experience

Dean, Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China,since 2023;

Professor, Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China,since 2021;

Professor, School of Sociology and Psychology, Central University of Finance and Economics, 2010-2021;

Visiting scholar, Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, Feb. to Oct., 2009;

Teacher, School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, 2002-2010;

Ph. D., Beijing Normal University, 2002.

Research areas

(1) Economic psychology (e.g. mental accounting, financial literacy, psychological influences of marketization);

(2) Social psychology (e.g. trust and cooperation, birth cohort changes in psychology, societal governance psychology).

Academic services

Member of the Psychological Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education;

Director of Economic Psychology Branch of Chinese Psychology Society;

Director of Social Psychological Services Branch of Chinese Association of Social Psychology;

Editor-in-chief of Psychology: Techniques and Applications;

Editorial board members of Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, Acta Psychologica Sinica, Advances in Psychological Science.

Recent projects

The Major Project of the National Social Science Fund of China: Research on the mechanisms and characteristics of trust and cooperation in interpersonal communication in the networked era (No. 24&ZD158; 2024-2029).

The Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China: The evolutionary cause and operation process of mental accounting: Behavioral and physiological evidence (No. 32471127; 2025-2028).

The Major Project of the National Social Science Fund of China: The construction of Chinese citizen’s financial literacy indexes and database (No. 17ZDA325; 2017-2023).

The Key Project of the National Social Science Fund of China: The mental construction in the context of societal governance (No. 16AZD05; 2016-2021).

The Key Grant from the Beijing Social Science Foundation: The mental construction in community in Beijing (No. 14SHA002; 2014-2017).

The MOE Project of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities: The impact of social identity and its representation on trust (No.14JJD190006; 2014-2017).

The Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University from MOE of China: Interpersonal trust and its correlates in social transitional period (NCET-10-0869; 2011-2013).

Selected journal papers

He has authored 300 papers in Chinese and English journals which were cited more than 16,000 times (H index 57). The selected papers in English as following:

Xin Ziqiang, Xiao Bihong, Wang Luxiao, & Xiao Huiwen (2024). Individuals’ differences in self-assessment: The relationship between subjective and objective financial literacy. Metacognition and Learning, 19(1), 365–379.

Xiao Huiwen, & Xin Ziqiang (2024). The market mindset erodes social mindfulness. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 27(1), 78–89.

Xiao Bihong, Xin Ziqiang, & Wang Luxiao (2024). COVID-19's influence on life history strategy: Insights from cross-temporal meta-analysis and experimental research. Personality and Individual Differences, 219, 112505.

Xin Ziqiang, & Yang Zhixu (2023). Provincial marketization and individual financial literacy in China. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 16(2), 60–79.

Xin Ziqiang, Xiao Huiwen, & Lin Gege (2023). Math anxiety and financial anxiety predicting individuals’ financial management behavior. Depression and Anxiety, Article ID 3131631.

Xin Ziqiang, Yang Zhixu, Li Zhe, & Chen Hongfei (2023). Does debt pressure lead to unethical behavior intention? Evidence on aggregate and individual levels. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 26(1), 119–131.

Xin Ziqiang, Liu Guofang, & Zong Zheng (2023). Feeling and calculation: The impact of lay rationalism thinking mode on mental budgeting. Current Psychology , 42, 26514–26526.

Xiao Huiwen, & Xin Ziqiang (2022). Financial literacy is better than income to predict happiness. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 15(3), 119–136.

Yang Zhixu, & Xin Ziqiang (2020). Heterogeneous risk perception amid the outbreak of COVID-19 in China: Implications for economic confidence. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 12(4), 1000–1018.

Yang Zhixu, & Xin Ziqiang (2020). Income inequality and interpersonal trust in China. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 23(3), 253263.

Xie Fang, Zhang Li, Chen Xu, & Xin Ziqiang (2020). Is spatial ability related to mathematical ability: a meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 32, 113155.

Zhang Yue, & Xin Ziqiang (2019). Rule comes first: The influences of market attributes on interpersonal trust in the marketization process. Journal of Social Issues, 75(1), 286313.

Xin Ziqiang, & Xin Sufei (2017). Marketization process predicts trust decline in China. Journal of Economic Psychology, 62, 120–129.

Xin Ziqiang, Yang Zhixu, & Liu Youhui (2017). The impact of friend-or-foe cues and survival pressure on trust in the investment game. Evolution and Human Behavior, 38(2), 181–189.

Xin Ziqiang, Yang Zhixu, & Ling Xihuan (2017). Interdependent self-construal matters in the community context: Relationships of self-construal with community identity and participation. Journal of Community Psychology, 45(8), 1050–1064.

Xin Ziqiang, Liu Youhui, Yang Zhixu, & Zhang Hongchuan (2016). Effects of minimal social cues on trust in the investment game. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 19(3), 235–243.

Xin Sufei, Xin Ziqiang, & Lin Chongde (2016). Effects of trustor’s social identity complexity on interpersonal and intergroup trust. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46(4), 428–440.

Liu Dong, & Xin Ziqiang (2015). Birth cohort and age changes in the self-esteem of Chinese adolescents: A cross-temporal meta-analysis, 1996–2009. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 25(2), 366376.

Xin Ziqiang, Niu Jianghe, & Chi Liping (2012). Birth cohort changes in Chinese adolescents’ mental health. International Journal of Psychology, 47(4), 287–295.

Xin Ziqiang, & Chi Liping (2010). Wording effect leads to a controversy over the construct of the social dominance orientation scale. The Journal of Psychology, 144(5), 473488.

Books in Chinese

Xin Ziqiang (2024). Research methods in psychology (3rd Ed.). Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.

Xin Ziqiang, & Dong Yan (2024). Report on the social psychology of residents in the new era (2023). Beijing: Kaiming Press.

Xin Ziqiang (2020). Social governance psychology and social psychological services. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.

Xin Ziqiang (2018). New advances of research methods in psychology. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.

Xin Ziqiang (2014). Classic and recent experiments in economic psychology. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.

Xin Ziqiang (2013). Social psychology of different populations in the transitional period. Jinan: Shandong People Press.

Yu Guoliang, & Xin Ziqiang (2013). Social development. Beijing: China Renmin Universtiy Press.

Xin Ziqiang, & Chi Liping (2008). Adolescents in social change. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.

Xin Ziqiang (2006). The research of knowledge construction: From constructivism to empirical investigations. Beijing: Educational Sciences Publishing House.

Xin Ziqiang (2005). Problem solving and knowledge construction. Beijing: Educational Sciences Publishing House.