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Corresponding Address

Ÿ Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China, No. 59 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100872, China

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Research Experience

Ÿ 08/2021-Present  Professor, Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China

Ÿ 05/2017-Present PhD Supervisor, Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China

Ÿ 07/2011-07/2021 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China

Ÿ 07/2009-07/2011 Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China

Ÿ 07/2009-07/2011 Lecturer, School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China


Ÿ 03/2014-03/2015 Visiting Scholar, Child Psychology institute, University of Toronto

Ÿ 09/2003-06/2006 Ph.D., Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Ÿ 09/2000-06/2003 M.Ed., Department of Psychology, Northeast Normal University

Ÿ 09/1995-06/1999 B.S., Department of Psychology, Northeast Normal University

Ÿ 09/1995-06/1999 B.CS. (minor degree), Department of Computer, Northeast Normal University


Ÿ Undergraduate teaching: Developmental Psychology, Psychometrics, General Psychology, Mental Health of College Students

Ÿ Postgraduate teaching: Health and Community Psychology, Social Cognition, Advances in Psychology

Ÿ Doctor teaching: Classical Lecture Reading

Research Interests

Using a combination of questionnaires and experiment (behavioral and ERP methods) to study the effect of emotion on trust and its mechanism in social cognition; academic emotion, the interaction between parenting style and temperament, and children’s social development in education and development fields.

Professional Society Membership

Ÿ Member of the Social Psychology Committee, Chinese Psychological Society

Ÿ Member of the Community Psychology Committee, Chinese Psychological Society

Ÿ Member of the Cultural Psychology Committee, Chinese Psychological Society

Supporting Grants (In recent 5 years)

Ÿ Research on the dynamic relationship between trust level and mental health of Chinese people and its intervention, National Social Science Foundation of China (19BSH130), 2019-2021

Ÿ Research on the effect and mechanism of emotional on interpersonal trust, National Natural Science Foundation of China (31500905), 2016-2018,

Ÿ The relationship between job stress and trust: An exploration of psychological and physiological mechanisms, Science Foundation of Renmin University of China (18XNA009), 2018-2019

Ÿ Research on the influence and intervention of Beijing residents' mental health to their social trust, 2017 Annual Project of Beijing Social Psychological Service Promotion Center

Ÿ A longitudinal study on the influence of family microsystem on academic emotion, Youth Project of Humanities and Social Science Project of Ministry of Education, 2012-2016

Representative Publication

Journal Articles

Ÿ Fang, Y., Niu, Y., & Dong, Y. * (2021). Exploring the relationship between narcissism and depression: the mediating roles of perceived social support and life satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 173(3), 110604.

Ÿ Liu, C. , Li, J. , Tao, Z. , Wang, Z. , & Dong, Y*. (2021). Prestige and dominance as assessed by friends, strangers, and the self. Personality and Individual Differences, 179(3), 110965.

Ÿ Dong, Y., Wang, H., Luan, F., Li, Z., & Cheng, L*. (2021). How children feel matters: Teacher-student relationship as an indirect role between interpersonal trust and social adjustment. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:581235.

Ÿ 赵敏翔,王红军,董妍*,牛勇,方圆.(2021).大学生自尊与微信成瘾:状态焦虑和网络人际信任的中介作用,心理科学16711698.

Ÿ 于晓琪,李哲能,方圆, 董妍*.(2021).青少年智能手机问题性使用与焦虑的交叉滞后分析. 心理科学, (04), 866872..

Ÿ Dong, Y. *, Wen, W., Zhang, D., & Fang, Y. (2020). The relationships between narcissistic admiration, rivalry, and interpersonal trust in adolescents: the mediating effect of ostracism experience. Children and Youth Services Review.

Ÿ Yu, X., Dong, Y. *, Li, Z., Fang, Y., Wu, S., Wang, C., & He, S. (2020). Work stress and general trust: The mediating effect of depression and moderating effect of the OXTR gene rs53576. Journal of affective disorders. 272, 283–288.

Ÿ Fang, Y., Li, Z., Wu, S., Wang, C., Dong, Y.*, & He, S. (2020). Oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms moderate the relationship between job stress and general trust in Chinese Han university teachers. Journal of Affective Disorders, 260, 1–23.

Ÿ Fang, Y., Dong, Y* & Wang, H.. (2020). Adolescent narcissism and interpersonal trust: a cross‐lagged study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 62(1), 82–87.

Ÿ Dong, Y.*, Wang, H., Zhu, L., Li, C., & Fang, Y. (2020). How Parental Involvement Influences Adolescents’ Academic Emotions from Control-Value Theory. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29, 282–291.

Ÿ 王鸿飞, 方圆, 董妍*, 刘聪慧, 俞国良. (2020).青少年学业自豪与学业自大问卷的编制及信效度检验[J/OL].中国临床心理学杂, (06), 11821185

Ÿ 董妍, 王鸿飞, 贺义雄, 张登浩. (2020). 黑暗三人格与青少年的人际信任:社会排斥体验的中介作用. 心理技术与应用, 8(4), 200205.

Ÿ 邵蕾, 董妍, 冯嘉溪, 张登浩.(2020). 社会排斥对居民主观幸福感的影响:社会认同和控制感的链式中介作用. 中国临床心理学杂志, 28(2), 234238.

Ÿ Li, C., Liu, D., & Dong, Y.* (2019). Self-esteem and problematic smartphone use among adolescents: a moderated mediation model of depression and interpersonal trust. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2872.

Ÿ Fang, Y., Dong, Y.*, & Fang, L. (2019). Honesty‐humility and prosocial behavior: The mediating roles of perspective taking and guilt‐proneness. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 60(4), 386–393.

Ÿ Wang, Y., Cao, S., Dong Y.*, & Xia, L.-X.* (2019). Hostile attribution bias and angry rumination: A longitudinal study of undergraduate students. PLoS ONE, 14(5): e0217759.

Ÿ Quan, F., Zhu, W., Dong, Y.*, Qiu, J.*, Gong, X., Xiao, M., Zheng, Y., Zhao, Y., Chen, X., & Xia, L*. (2019). Brain structure links trait hostile attribution bias and attitudes toward violence. Neuropsychologia, 125(4), 42–50.

Ÿ Quan, F., Yang, R., Zhu, W., Wang, Y., Gong, X., Chen, Y., Dong, Y.*, & Xia, L*. (2019). The relationship between hostile attribution bias and aggression and the mediating effect of anger rumination, Personality and Individual Differences, 139(1), 228–234.

Book/Editor (Selected)

Ÿ Purposeful Leadership: Emotional Intelligence in Child Care and Education Management, The Commercial Publishers, January 2018, sole translation

Ÿ Mental Health of College Students, Beijing Normal University Publishers, August 2018, with two chapters (Learning and Emotion)

Ÿ Training Materials for Teachers in Mental Health Education, Higher Education Publishers, 1st edition, September 2016, first associate editor

Ÿ Psychology of Primary School Students, Zhejiang Education Publishers, First edition, December 2015, the first author

Ÿ Analysis of Lazarus' Mental Health Thoughts, Zhejiang Education Publishers, First edition, May 2013, alone

Ÿ Mental Health Education for Migrant Children, Kaiming Publishers, 2nd edition, September 2012, alone

Other Achievement

Ÿ Ping Hu, Yan Dong, & Qingwang Wei. Prediction of the Changing Trend of Social Mentality during COVID-19 and Suggestions of Improving Relief Work, adopted by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, China, February 29, 2020

Ÿ Yan Dong, & Chen Li. Building Social Trust and Winning the Battle against the COVID-19, adopted by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, China, February 29, 2020

Ÿ Yan Dong, Yuan Fang, & Xiaoqi Yu. (2018). The effect of Mental health level on Social trust and its intervention in Beijing Residents. In Beijing Social Mentality Blue Book (2017-2018) (pp. 117-154).

Ÿ Yan Dong, & Zheneng Li. (2017). Beijing residents' social trust survey report. In Beijing Social Mentality Blue Book (2016-2017) (pp. 347-370). Social Sciences Academic Publishers.