李英武 博士
课题组邮件地址: liyingwu@ruc.edu.cn
北京师范大学心理学院 应用心理学博士
清华大学公共管理学院公共领导力研究中心 管理学博士后
中国心理学会 心理测量专业委员会 委员(2022-2025).
中国心理学会 员工心理促进工作委员会(EAP) 委员(2022-2025).
中国健康管理协会公职人员心理健康管理分会 常务理事(2022-2025).
中国健康促进与教育学会心理健康教育分会 委员(2024-2029)
Li, Y. W.*, & Jia, Q. N. (2024). Mitigating psychological distress in the workplace: The role of perceived insider status in leader-follower cognitive style congruence. Acta Psychologica, 30, 20240930. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2024.104505
Dong, M. D., Ren, Z. Z., Li, Y. W. *, & Ye, Q. (2024). Stress begets distress: the association of job stress with psychological distress among prison police officers. Psychology, Crime & Law, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/1068316x.2024.2315076
Dong, Y. H., & Li, Y. W. * (2024). Leader workaholism and subordinates' psychological distress: The moderating role of justice climate. Acta Psychologica, 246, 104288. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2024.104288
Dong, M. C., Li, Y. W*., & Zhang, Y. (2023). The effect of mindfulness training on executive function in youth with depression. Acta Psychologica, 235, 103888. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2023.103888
Song, J., & Li, Y. W. * (2023). Managerial coaching and subordinates’ psychological distress: a cross-level moderated mediation study. Current Psychology, 43(17), 15725-15736. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-05530-z
Song, J., Wang, M. M., & Li, Y. W. * (2023). An exploratory study of deep learning-based sentiment analysis among Weibo users in China. Current Psychology, 43(17), 15213-15226. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-05493-1
Wang, M. M., Armstrong, S. J., Li, Y. W. *, Li, W. F., Hu, X. Y., & Zhong, X. (2023). The influence of leader-follower cognitive style congruence on organizational citizenship behaviors and the mediating role of trust. Acta Psychologica, 238, 103964. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2023.103964
Dong, M. C., Zhang, T. L., Li, Y. W. *, & Ren, Z. Z. (2022). The Effect of Work Connectivity Behavior After-Hours on Employee Psychological Distress: The Role of Leader Workaholism and Work-to-Family Conflict. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 722679. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.722679
Hu, X. Y., Dong, M. C., Li, Y. W. *, & Wang, M. M. (2022). The cross-level influence of authoritarian leadership on counterproductive work behavior: A moderated mediation model. Current Psychology, 42(27), 23580-23593. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03491-3
Zhang, T. L., Hu, X. Y., Li, Y. W. *, & Wang, Z. (2022). Does similarity trigger cooperation? Dyadic effect of similarity in social value orientation and cognitive resources on cooperation. Current Psychology, 42(25), 21860-21871. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03276-8
胡心约, 张恬路, 李英武. (2022). 基于 AI 的情绪识别在组织中的实践 : 现状、未来和挑战. 中国人力资源开发, 39(2), 48-61.
李英武, 张海丽, 胡心约. (2021). 国家公务员遴选策论的多面Rasch模型应用. 上海行政学院学报, 22(6), 89-99.
李英武, 张雪儿, 钟舒婕. (2021a). 社会支持对老年群体生存质量的影响:希望与孤独感的中介作用. 华南师范大学学报(社会科学版),(2), 128-136+207.
李英武, 张雪儿, 钟舒婕. (2021b). 威权领导对员工反生产工作行为的影响:下属负性情绪和传统性的作用. 经济与管理研究, 42(5), 122-132.
李英武, 魏敏媛, 彭坤霞丽. (2016). 人力资源管理中的评分者偏差及其控制方法. 中国人力资源开发, 16, 23-27.
李英武, 于宙, 彭坤霞丽, 魏敏媛. (2016). 公务员面试测量了什么我国公务员面试的构想效度. 心理学探新, 36(5), 472-480.
李英武, 韩笑, 于宙. (2015). 美的就是好的吗_外貌吸引力与人事选拔决策. 中国人力资源开发, 23-29.
李英武, 于宙, 韩笑. (2015). 空间参照框架的产生机制及与认知机能的关系. 心理科学进展, 23(2), 192-201.
李英武, 于宙, 韩笑, 刘婷安胥. (2015). 一般心理能力(GMA)预测绩效:现状、机制及趋势. 心理科学进展, 23(3), 448-459.
李英武 [著]. (2015). 多水平组织理论与实证研究. 北京: 人民日报出版社.
李英武 [著]. (2016). 职业安全与健康心理学. 吉林:吉林大学出版社.
李英武 [主编]. (2018). 职业健康心理学. 北京: 北京师范大学出版社.
李英武 [主编]. (2024). 职业健康心理学(第2版). 北京: 中国人民大学出版社.
李英武, 董妍. (2025). 心理测量学. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社.
迈克尔·弗, 李英武(共同主编), 董妍. (2021). 心理测量学(第三版). 北京: 北京师范大学出版社.
徐世勇, 李英武(共同主编). (2017). 人员素质测评. 北京: 中国人民大学.
徐世勇, 李英武(共同主编). (2019). 人员素质测评(第四代教材). 北京: 中国人民大学.
李英武, 朱光明[译], 劳伦斯. F. 洛柯, 维涅恩. 瑞克. 斯波多索, 斯蒂芬. J. 斯尔弗曼 [著]. (2023). 如何做好研究计划(第6版). 重庆: 重庆大学出版社.
李英武[译]. 阿尔内.艾弗斯, 尼尔. 安德森, 奥尔加. 艾斯奎吉尔 [著] (2016). 人事选拔心理学. 北京: 世界图书出版社
2024年 李英武 山东省首届EAP工作优秀成果奖
2023年 李英武 CAAI 2023年全国第八届全国大数据与社会计算学术会议
社会计算创新大赛:人格与社会心理计算优秀奖 指导教师。
2022年,第八届全国大学生统计建模大赛北京赛区选拔赛中荣获本科生组 一等奖指导教师。
2022年,第八届全国大学生统计建模大赛北京赛区选拔赛中荣获研究生组 三等奖指导教师。
2021年 李英武 全国木铎杯在线问卷调研大赛(心理学混合组) 一等奖 优秀指导教师。
2021年 李英武 2021年中国人民大学优秀本科生毕业论文(设计)一等奖 优秀指导教师。
2018年 李英武 2017至2018年度中国人民大学本科生课程优秀师范大纲奖。
2023年 李文锋(本科) 同学 中国人民大学本科生国家奖学金。
2022年 胡心约(硕士) 同学 中国人民大学研究生国家奖学金。
2022年 宋健(硕士) 同学 第二届首都大学生诚信演讲比赛三等奖。
2021年 董明超(硕士) 同学 中国社会心理学会管理心理学年度学术会议优秀论文。
2021年 宋健(硕士) 同学 木铎杯在线问卷调研大赛(心理学混合组) 一等奖。
2021年 王蒙蒙(本科) 同学 中国人民大学2021届优秀本科毕业论文 一等奖。
2014至2020年,国家社会科学基金项目一般项目(纵向课题),公务员分类录用面试的科学性研究(项目批准号:14BZZ087), 项目主持人。
2019至2023年,中国人民大学决策咨询与预研委托项目(团队培育课题),中国老年人群心理健康影响机制研究. (项目批准号: 19XNLG20),项目主持人。
2020至2022年,中国人民大学应急研究课题,重大公共卫生事件与国家心理援助体系建设-(项目批准号: 20XNQZ42),项目主持人。
2023年至今,中国人民大学心理学系,人民心理创新研究基金(项目批准号: RXB007),项目主持人。
本科课程- 走进心理学,职业健康心理学,组织管理心理学,心理测量学。
硕士课题- 人力资源管理研究进展,组织管理与发展(MAP课程),职业健康心理学。
2024年,心理测量学课程思政教学与实施研究(项目编号: JYXM2024058)
于宙 (2015); 韩笑 (2016); 彭坤霞丽 (2017);魏敏媛(2018); 李朋朋 (2019)张海丽 (2021);张雪儿 (2021);张恬路 (2022); 董明超 (2023); 胡心约(2023); 王蒙蒙 (2024)
刘晓晓(2022); 宋健(2023);贾钦宁(2023);卜紫乔(2024); 马彦芳(2024)
张蕴梅(2016); 舒文宇(2017); 宣莉倩(2017)
马依丽(2018); 孙长虹(2018); 王艳婷(2018); 徐驰(2018); 徐雪婷(2018); 张应丽 (2018)
李琳 (2019); 鄞安, (2019)
刘乐乐 (2020); 秦昊 (2020); 盛罗兰 (2020); 王琪 (2020); 王逊易 (2020); 王燕 (2020); 张焱 (2020); 仲璇 (2020)
卞伟 (2021); 陈光阳 (2021); 陈慧慧 (2021); 黄艳 (2021); 季峥嵘 (2021); 姜艳 (2021); 李鹏飞 (2021); 李思思 (2021); 刘叶静 (2021); 马晓莹 (2021); 熊常春 (2021); 杨琰鸣 (2021); 张玲玲 (2021)
陈晓玲 (2022); 龙丽平 (2022); 马利英 (2022); 任罗倩 (2022); 屠燕飞 (2022); 吴静婧 (2022); 肖蓓 (2022); 肖一凡 (2022); 阴煜 (2022); 张辉 (2022)
郭俊贤 (2023); 何丽娜 (2023); 何晓飞 (2023); 黄云沛(2023); 刘晓琳(2023); 徐昊 (2023); 许丹丹 (2023); 袁亚萍 (2023); 赵珊慧 (2023)
彭丽萍 (2024); 赵晓云 (2024)
2007至2017年 中央国家机关公务员考试录用面试测评技术开发与考官连续培养项目导师。
2015至2017年 国有企业管理咨询项目-中国工商银行(组织诊断OD)项目主持人
2017至2018年 中石化-沙特阿美驻外人员心理健康促进体系(EAP)项目 主持人。
2018至2019年员工健康促进项目-京西热电,大唐电力员工心理援助(EAP)项目 主持人。
Dr. Li, Ying-Wu,
Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China,
No. 59 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China
E-MAIL: liyingwu@ruc.edu.cn; liyingwu@126.com
Dr. Li, is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at Renmin University of China. He obtained his Ph.D. in industrial and organizational psychology from Beijing Normal University and pursued a postdoctoral fellowship in Management Science at Tsinghua University. Dr. Li specializes in occupational health, management, leadership, and the psychological well-being of employees, with a focus on occupational stress, multilevel organizational theory, and the effects of after-hours work connectivity. His notable contributions have been published in esteemed journals such as the Journal of Psychological Science, Advances in Psychological Science, Research on Economics and Management, Acta Psychologica, Current Psychology, and Frontiers in Public Health, Psychology, Crime & Law.
Dr. Ying-Wu Li’s engagement with the academic community extends beyond his research and teaching responsibilities. He actively contributes as a reviewer for several prestigious journals (Acta Psychologica Sinica, Advances in Psychological Science, Acta Psychologica, Current Psychology, et al.), playing a crucial role in upholding the quality and integrity of scholarly publications. This role involves critically evaluating research manuscripts submitted for publication, ensuring they meet the highest standards of academic excellence, relevance, and contribution to the field of psychology, particularly in areas related to industrial and organizational psychology, occupational health, and leadership.
Dr. Ying-Wu Li is keenly interested in fostering international collaborations in research. He aims to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western perspectives in the field of psychology, particularly in areas such as organizational behavior, occupational health, and the implementation of technology in psychological assessments. Dr. Li is actively seeking partnerships with universities, research institutions, and scholars from around the globe to engage in joint research projects, cross-cultural studies, and the exchange of knowledge and methodologies. Potential Areas for International Research Collaboration: Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior: Investigating how cultural differences impact leadership styles, employee motivation, and workplace dynamics. Occupational Health Across Cultures: Exploring the varying impacts of occupational stressors on employee health and well-being in different cultural contexts. Technology-Enhanced Psychological Assessments: Collaborating on the development and validation of AI-driven tools for psychological assessments that can be effectively used across diverse populations. Mental Health Interventions: Designing and testing the efficacy of mental health interventions tailored to diverse cultural backgrounds, with a focus on reducing the stigma associated with mental health issues.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3867-3126
ResearchGate: Yingwu-Li
Professional Affiliations:
Psychometrics Committee, Chinese Psychological Society (2022-2025)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Committee, Chinese Psychological Society (2022-2025)
Executive Director, Public Servants Principal Investigator Psychological Health Management Branch, Chinese Health Management Association (2022-2025)
Management Psychology Committee, Chinese Association of Social Psychology (2023-2027)
Disciplines and Expertise:
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (I/O Psychology)
Organizational Health Psychology (OHP)
Coping, Health, and Well-Being at Work
Representative Research Projects:
2013-2014: Multifaceted Rasch Analysis of Subjective Questions in the Central Civil Servants Recruitment Examination, Fund from the National Civil Service Bureau, Principal Investigator.
2013-2015: Longitudinal Tracking Study of the Examination Model for the Selection of Civil Servants in Central State Organs, Funded from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Principal Investigator.
2014-2020: Scientific Study on the Classification and Recruitment Interview of Civil Servants, funded by the National Social Science Fund, Project Leader (No.: 14BZZ087), Principal Investigator
2019-2023: The Mechanism of Influence on the Mental Health of the Elderly Population in China, fund from Renmin University of China, Principal Investigator (No.: 19XNLG20).
2020-2022: Major Public Health Events and the Construction of the National Psychological Assistance System, an emergency research project of Renmin University of China, Principal Investigator (No.: 20XNQZ42).
2023-present: Renmin Psychology Innovation Research Fund, Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China, Principal Investigator (No: RXB007).
Teaching Responsibilities:
Undergraduate Courses: Introduction to Psychology, Organizational and Management Psychology, Psychometrics
Master Topics: Advances in Human Resource Management Research, Organizational Management and Development (MAP course)
Recent Honors Among Research Group Members:
In recent years, members of Dr. Ying-Wu Li’s research group have garnered prestigious accolades, reflecting their exceptional contributions and dedication to the field of psychology. These achievements underscore the group's commitment to academic excellence and innovation.
In 2023, Li Wenfeng was awarded the National Scholarship by Renmin University of China, a testament to his outstanding academic performance and research endeavors. This scholarship is highly competitive and recognizes students who demonstrate superior scholarly achievements.
The year 2022 saw Hu Xinyue receiving the Graduate Academic National Scholarship from Renmin University of China. This award is given to graduate students who have shown remarkable academic prowess and contribution to their respective fields of study.
Additionally, in 2022, Song Jian secured the Third Prize in the Second Capital College Students' Integrity Speech Contest. This achievement highlights his eloquence and ability to inspire, focusing on the principle of integrity within the academic community.
In 2021, Dong Mingchao was honored with an Excellent Paper Award at the Annual Academic Conference of the Chinese Society of Social Psychology on Management Psychology. This accolade recognizes his significant research contribution to management psychology, demonstrating innovative thinking and scholarly rigor. That same year, Song Jian clinched the First Prize in the Muduo Cup Online Questionnaire Survey National Competition. This victory underscores his proficiency in designing and implementing surveys that yield insightful data, contributing valuable information to the field of psychology. These awards and recognitions not only highlight the individual achievements of Dr. Li's research group members but also reflect the group's overall excellence and impact in advancing psychological research. Their accomplishments contribute to the broader academic community, promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of psychological principles and their application in addressing societal challenges.
Recent Publications
Dong, M., Ren, Z., Li, Y., & Ye, Q. (2024). Stress begets distress: the association of job stress with psychological distress among prison police officers. Psychology, Crime & Law, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/1068316X.2024.2315076
Dong, M., Li, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2023). The effect of mindfulness training on executive function in youth with depression. Acta Psychologica, 235, 103888. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2023.103888
Dong, M., Zhang, T., Li, Y., & Ren, Z. (2022). The Effect of Work Connectivity Behavior After-Hours on Employee Psychological Distress: The Role of Leader Workaholism and Work-to-Family Conflict. Frontiers in public health, 10, 722679. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.722679
Hu, X., Dong, M., Li, Y., & Wang, M. (2022). The cross-level influence of authoritarian leadership on counterproductive work behavior: A moderated mediation model. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03491-3
Song, J., & Li, Y. (2023). Managerial coaching and subordinates’ psychological distress: a cross-level moderated mediation study. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-05530-z
Song, J., Wang, M., & Li, Y. (2023). An exploratory study of deep learning-based sentiment analysis among Weibo users in China. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-05493-1
Wang, M., Armstrong, S. J., Li, Y., Li, W., Hu, X., & Zhong, X. (2023). The influence of leader-follower cognitive style congruence on organizational citizenship behaviors and the mediating role of trust. Acta Psychologica, 238. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2023.103964
Zhang, T. L., Hu, X. Y., Li, Y., & Wang, Z. (2022). Does similarity trigger cooperation? Dyadic effect of similarity in social value orientation and cognitive resources on cooperation. Current Psychology, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03276-8
Hu, X.Y., Zhang, T.L., & Li, Y.W. (2022). Th The Practice of AI Emotion Recognition in Organizations: Current Status, Future and Challenges. Human Resources Development of China, 39(1), 57-70.
Li, Y.W., Zhang, X.E., & Zhong, S.J. (2021). Influence of authoritarian leadership on employees’ counterproductive work behavior: The role of subordinates’ negative affectivity and traditionality. Research on Economics and Management, 42(5), 122-132.
Li, Y.W., Zhang, H.L., & Hu, X.Y. (2021). The application of the many-faceted Rasch model in the administrative stratege test. Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute, 22(6), 89-99.
Li, Y.W., Zhang, X.E., & Zhong, S.J. (2021). The impact of social support on the quality of life of the elderly: The mediating role of hope and loneliness. Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition), (2), 128-136.
Li, Ying-Wu, Yu, Zhou, Peng, Kunxia Li, & Wei, Minyuan. (2016). What does the civil servant interview measure? The construct validity of China civil servant interview. Advances in Psychological Science, 36(5), 472-480.
Li, Y.W., & Dong, Y. (2020). Psychometrics. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.
Xu, S.Y., & Li, Y.W. (2019). Personnel Selection (Fourth Generation Series Textbooks). Beijing: Renmin University of China Press.
Li, Y.W. (2018). Occupational Health Psychology. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.
Dr. Ying-Wu Li, a prominent figure in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, has significantly contributed to the academic and professional community through his scholarly works. Among his notable publications are “Psychometrics” (2020, with Y. Dong), “Personnel Selection” (2019, with S.Y. Xu), and “Occupational Health Psychology” (2018). These texts, published by prestigious institutions such as Beijing Normal University Press and Renmin University of China Press, serve as fundamental resources for students, researchers, and practitioners in psychology and human resource management in China.
“Psychometrics,” co-authored with Y. Dong in 2020, delves into the scientific study of measuring mental capacities and processes. This book is an essential guide for understanding the principles behind psychological testing and measurement, offering insights into the development, validation, and application of psychological tests. It is a critical resource for those looking to deepen their understanding of how psychometric principles are applied in educational, clinical, and organizational settings.
In 2019, Dr. Li collaborated with S.Y. Xu to publish “Personnel Selection,” a part of the Fourth Generation Series Textbooks. This work comprehensively covers the theories and practices surrounding the selection of personnel, integrating global research findings with the specifics of the Chinese context. It explores various methods of personnel selection, including interviews, psychological testing, and performance appraisals, providing a thorough overview of the field. The book is invaluable for students and HR professionals seeking to implement effective and fair selection processes within organizations.
“Occupational Health Psychology,” published in 2018, marks another of Dr. Li’ s contributions to the field. This book addresses the psychological and organizational aspects of workplace health, exploring topics such as stress management, work-life balance, and the promotion of mental health in the workplace. It provides a solid foundation for understanding how occupational health practices can improve employee well-being and organizational effectiveness. The text is particularly relevant for practitioners and scholars interested in the intersection of psychology and health within occupational settings.
Dr. Ying-Wu Li has successfully translated “The Blackwell Handbook of Personnel Selection” Edited by Arne Evers, Neil Anderson, and Olga Voskuijl, into Chinese, a significant stride in making global personnel selection research and practices accessible to Chinese audiences. This work enriches the Industrial and Organizational Psychology field in China, bridging the gap between Eastern and Western approaches to personnel selection. The translation spans various topics from innovative selection methods to ethical considerations, aiming to enhance HR management and organizational development within the unique Chinese context.