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【讲座】Cultural Fluency and Disfluency

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讲座主题:Cultural Fluency and Disfluency

主讲人:Prof. Daphna Oyserman, University of Southern California




I introduce the concept of cultural fluency to describe the experience of ease and familiarity, which occurs when perceiving the culturally ‘right’ symbol in the culturally ‘right’ place and when commemorating one’s group’s historically sacred events. I predict and show that cultural fluency influences judgment and behavior in line with what ease is likely to mean in the moment. In a consumption situation cultural fluency can be used to answer the question ‘do I want it?’ and indeed cultural fluency increases immediate as well as downstream consumption choices as predicted. More generally, cultural fluency can be used to answer the questions ‘is all right with the world or are things not as they ought to be’ and ‘can I go with my gut or do I need to think systematically?.’ Indeed cultural fluency influences willingness to follow an intuitive rather than an analytic strategy on a reasoning task and people’s sense of psychological inherence, their sense that the current order is the natural order of things. Psychological inherence is a dual-edged sword, higher inherence is associated with more self-certainty as well as higher cultural essentializing – which can lead to intolerance of others.





